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The Episcopal Network for Stewardship

On September 19, 2025 St. Martin’s will celebrate its first 60 years as a parish.


The Episcopal Network for Stewardship popularly known as TENS,, is a stewardship focused Episcopal organization. The Diocese of Missouri holds a membership that makes this resource available to its parishes at no cost. From the TENS resource page: “Across decades, many Stewardship Leaders of the church have contributed their wisdom, teachings, and ideas in the form of blog posts, articles, and videos. TENS maintains this library for all. We frequently add new material, so please check back often.”  


A St. Martin’s Stewardship Team is forming for the fall pledge drive.

  • Please prayerfully consider how you might share your skills and abilities on this committee to provide a foundation upon which St. Martin’s might begin to build its next 60 years.
  • You are invited to use these resources to consider the role you might best play on the committee:
  • Talk with Mother Leslie and/or Page Andersen, Parish Treasurer, about plans for this year’s drive and to learn how your talents can support this essential work of the parish.

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