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Sending Out A Call for Lay Liturgical Ministers

Who are the ministers of the Church?

The ministers of the Church

Are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons.


What is the ministry of the laity?

The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.

--Book of Common Prayer, Catechism,  p. 855


Too often, when people hear the word “minister,” they think of ordination and a complete upending of life. But ministering is something we all do to give aid or help, to serve in some way. In the Episcopal Church, all baptized persons are ministers. Among the many ministries available for you to join into at St. Martin’s, there are several who are vital to making worship possible on weekends, weekdays, funerals, and holy days: altar guild, ushers and greeters, lay readers and intercessors, and acolytes, and more.


We are always looking for people to take up the invitation to live deeper into their life in ministry. As we get ready to start a new program year, our fabulous Ministry Scheduler Gail Schneider has asked to send out an invitation to all to consider finding ways each of us can support our worship life. This is especially important given how many of our members travel throughout the year.


Currently, we are specifically in need of lay liturgical ministers: lay readers and intercessors and chalice-bearers, in particular. These roles require just a bit of formal instruction, but they are a vital ministry for the life of the parish. Won’t you consider offering yourself for one of these ministries? Please prayerfully consider answering the call, and contact Mother Leslie; Janet, our parish administrator; or Gail Schneider so we can schedule your instruction.

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