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Seeking Eucharistic Visitors

One of the blessings of our journey through COVID is our ability to broadcast the principal worship service each week. We are so thrilled with those who are them able to stay connected when they are unable to be with us in person.

But for some people in our parish, that inability to attend is a long-term situation, and can deprive them of the chance to partake in the sacrament of Eucharist fully.

As we finally emerge from RSV and flu season, we are hopeful to restart our Eucharistic visitor program. This allows lay ministers to take communion to members of our parish who are unable to attend in person, usually for health reasons. The frequency is usually once a month.

We are looking for people who are willing, after attending a basic training session, to visit home-bound parishioners either singly or in pairs.

Might you feel so called to such a ministry of service, presence, and hospitality? Might you feel called to help oversee and schedule these visits as liaison?

Please contact the Rev. Shug and Mother Leslie if you are interested in this ministry so that we can schedule a training and begin a rotation, hopefully in the Easter Season.

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