Beloved Members of St. Martin’s
This weekend our readings will begin with the story of Hannah, the mother of Samuel, one of the great prophets of Israel. Hannah underwent years of barrenness, and finally in her despair prayer to God or an answer. God grants her request, and she declares that she will dedicate him to god’s service. Simply being a mother is enough.
Hannah’s story reminds us that God has the power to transform lives in ways beyond our knowing, for God is utterly free to act as God wills—and God often acts through those who would otherwise be the least likely suspects—not the mighty, or the powerful, or the comfortable, but the humble, the defenseless, those who have experienced heartbreak and even loss, those who seemingly had nothing but hope and faith to power them through.
Having faith when times are easy is… easy. Having faith to know that God accompanies and empowers us in times of trouble is more difficult, but when that faith is most needed.
Our God is calling to us now. The time for use to witness that God is a God of love, of compassion, and mercy, is now.
In Christ,