Prayer Changes Things!
Prayer Partners Needed!
St. Martin's maintains three weekly prayer chains for our members and their families and friends, under the overall oversight of Linda Huheey. This is a confidential ministry of St. Martin's of long standing, and is one of this parish's greatest strengths.
Linda has recently noted that we have had some members move away, and so we are actively seeking volunteers who are willing to pray for the people on any one of our three lists:
Urgent Prayer,
Long Term Cancer, and
Chronic Illness.
Linda personally supervises the Urgent Prayer list, while the Long Term Cancer List is overseen by Darryl Norman and the Chronic Illness list is overseen by the Rev. Virginia Noel.
This is a ministry where just a few minutes of your time can make an incredible impact. If you think you could add this ministry to your schedule, please contact Linda Huheey.