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Learn to Ring Those Barbershop Chords at Shop For the Ring!

Calling all young singers! The River Blenders Chorus invites you to Shop For the Ring, an exciting all-day a cappella harmony workshop and festival. This musical extravaganza will take place on Saturday, September 14th, from 9 AM to 5 PM at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Ellisville, MO.

Open to children and young adults aged 10-25, this event offers a unique opportunity to dive into the world of barbershop harmony. For a modest $10 registration fee, participants will enjoy:

Sponsored by the River Blenders Chorus, 2023 Region 5 Chorus Champions and entertainers for over 45 years, this workshop promises to be an unforgettable experience. Participants will learn the art of four-part a cappella singing and have the chance to perform alongside seasoned vocalists.

To register for Shop For the Ring: For more information on the River Blenders Chorus, visit

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