Join us tonight, April 6, at 6 pm for a free, potluck Soup Supper, followed by our Maundy Thursday service at 7 pm as we observe the beginning of the Great Three Days of Jesus's Passion, Death and Resurrection.
"Tonight we begin the Great Three Days of our Lord's passion, death and resurrection, the journey from the supper table to the cross, from the cross to Easter dawn.
We are followers in his way, exploring his truth, encountering his life.
This is the night when Christ the Lamb of God gave himself into the hands of those who would betray him.
This is the night when Christ gathered with his disciples in the upper room.
This is the night when Christ our Lord gave us the Eucharist, this holy feast, that as we break the bread and drink the cup, we may here proclaim his sacrifice and come at the last to his table in heaven.
This is the night when Christ took a towel and washed the disciples' feet, showing us how to honor and serve one another in love.
This is the night for watching and prayer. "