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Important COVID Update for St. Martin's Attendees

Good afternoon St. Martin’s,

Yesterday, I received two notifications informing me that three individuals who participated in events at St. Martin's over the weekend have tested positive for COVID. Specifically, one individual was present at the Men's Group, while the other two attended Sunday worship and the subsequent brunch.

I am asking that all who were at the men's breakfast on Saturday and all who were at Sunday worship and brunch to get tested and remain vigilant for any sign of illness, please?

I ask people to once again resume basic preventative measures in their daily lives for their own sake-- avoiding large crowds, wearing a mask in hospitals and while visiting the sick, such as with our eucharistic visitors, etc. Even though there are treatments, getting COVID can still have lasting health effects that are to be avoided.

I am also asking that Bible study be cancelled today. If you are positive or feeling ill, please do not come to church or church functions-- even with a mask on.

I would like to minimize people being together in the building in case there are more incipient cases until we get past the incubation period, which currently is, on average, 5.6 days, from what I have researched-- or basically, through this workweek.

God bless everyone, and stay safe.

In Christ,

Mother Leslie+

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