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Holy Week Schedule 2022

This is a friendly reminder that Maundy Thursday is tomorrow, April 14th. We will have a Soup Supper prior to the service at 6:00 PM. Everyone is invited to partake in the potluck and bring their favorite soup and a crock pot to keep it warm. If you would like to bring a soup, please contact Mother Leslie at

This is also a reminder that that you are invited to bring your bells for both the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday (10:30 AM).

April 10: Palm/Passion Sunday

10:30 am — Holy Eucharist Rite II, with the Procession of the Palms and Passion Story (ONLINE AND IN-PERSON).

April 14: Maundy Thursday

6:00 pm — Fellowship Meal: Join us for the fellowship of a simple soup supper in Park Hall (IN-PERSON)

7:00 pm — Maundy Thursday liturgy with Holy Eucharist and foot washing; the start of the Triduum (Great Three Days) (ONLINE AND IN-PERSON)

April 15: Good Friday

12:00 pm & 7:00 pm — Good Friday liturgy, including Reverencing of the Cross (IN-PERSON)

7:00 am - 11:00 am and 1:15 pm - 5:00 pm — Self-guided in-person Stations of the Cross with meditations for each station available. (IN-PERSON)

ALL DAY — Virtual Stations of the Cross will be available online all day on our website, Youtube, and Facebook (ONLINE)

April 16: The Great Vigil of Easter

8:00 pm — Join us for a beautiful service of the kindling of the new fire, blessing of the paschal candle, beautiful scripture readings—and for the first celebration of Holy Communion of Resurrection Day! Bring your bells to ring out the joy of the risen Christ! (ONLINE AND IN-PERSON)

April 17: Easter Sunday, the Day of Resurrection

8:00 am — Rite II Celebration of the Resurrection; Our 8:00 worship returns at long last! (IN-PERSON)

10:30 am — Our principal sung Rite II Celebration of the Resurrection, with full choir and guest musicians on this joyful day! Wear your Easter bonnet, or your jeans and sneakers! Please bring bells to participate in (ONLINE AND IN-PERSON)

11:45 am — Easter Egg Hunt for our youngest members and guests around our beautiful food garden (will be held indoors in case of weather). We also have Easter coloring sheets for all! (IN-PERSON)

11:45 am — Complimentary Easter Brunch; Join us in Park Hall! (IN-PERSON)

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