Sunday, March 28
10:30 am- Palm/Passion Sunday- limited in person (registration required) and online Holy Eucharist
Thursday, April 1
7 pm- Maundy Thursday- limited in person (registration required) and online Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar
Friday, April 2
7 am- St. Martin's Stations of the Cross- online
10 am- Walking Stations of the Cross with Deaconess Anne House in Old North STL, in person by reservation (see below)
12 noon- Good Friday service- online
Saturday, April 3
8 pm- The Great Vigil of Easter- limited in person (registration required) and online Holy Eucharist
Sunday, April 4
10:30 am- Easter Day with baptism- Our main service to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord! Limited in person (registration required) and online Holy Eucharist
12:30 pm- Easter Day under God's Canopy- Outdoor Eucharist in our parking lot; bring a folding chair if possible (if rainy, we will broadcast into your cars' FM radios!). No
At all in-person events, temperatures and contact info will be taken, masks will be worn, and social distancing observed.