We are looking forward to the building opening up as numbers of infection fall and rates of vaccination rise in our community and throughout the region. As we see on the horizon the possibility of resuming ministry and group gatherings at the church in the coming months this seems like a good time to invite parishioners to request their key codes in preparation for that day of jubilee. As you may know the parish building has a key code access entry system. If you are involved in one or more ministries of the church, the occasion will sooner or later arise when you will need to be able to enter the building independent of any other ministry leader. For security's sake, codes will be given only to those who are active worshipers with us either online or in person, which is one of the definitions of a member of the parish, and we expect those who have codes not to share them with others, once again for security's sake. As a member of the parish, you are invited to submit a request now by contacting Janet Theiss for your selection of a four-digit code.
Code request forms in printed form will be found on the curved desk in the narthex along with self-addressed envelopes in which to mail your form back to the parish – this will be safer than lingering inside the church to fill out a form. Or you may print your code request form from the link in this article and mail it in to the church. The church address is found at the top of the form.
The process of entering codes into the system is labor intensive enough to be inefficient to do on a one by one by one basis. Code requests received by Easter Sunday, April 4 will be entered into the system during Easter week. Requests received later will be entered in batches as they accumulate and staff time allows.