Our Annual Report is a history of St. Martin’s in 2020. This has been an extraordinary year, and future members of the parish as well as the diocese will be interested in how parishes dealt with the challenges and found areas for ministry even in a time of global pandemic. It is therefore especially important that we make sure our history of St. Martin's is as complete as possible. There are so many vibrant groups and ministries in this parish-- this is the chance for ministries and groups to proclaim to the entire parish the importance of their activities-- especially in helping members get a picture of how their pledges support various programs and initiatives within our community and the diocese-- how you benefit from using our facilities and our fellow-members' contributions of time and talent. These reports also help make the budget and financial resources of the parish come to life.
In any given year an Annual Report should be a comprehensive review of the activities of the parish in that year. In order to create this comprehensive document YOU are an essential part of the process. While 2020 has not been a typical year, it is just as important to chronicle the atypical times in life. It may be even more important to record the times that take us out of the deeply trodden path of routine custom. Please share the story of what was begun by your ministry in the first months of 2020, what was being planned for the rest of the year, what was abruptly put aside and your ministry’s response to the necessity to refrain from in person gatherings. How was your group able to carry on? How has this pause offered an opportunity to reflect on your ministry’s future endeavors? Were there any unexpected benefits to this pause? Was your ministry able to create or support any online opportunities for spiritual growth or reconnection?
If you are in a ministry leadership position within the parish you are invited to write up a review of 2020 at St. Martin’s. You might like to collaborate on this with others by organizing a conference call with those in your ministry or arrange to meet digitally to discuss the year in review and dream for the future.
The Annual Report becomes the history of St. Martin’s. It is so easy to gloss over what it seems that everyone knows, writing as if you were telling your story to someone who has no knowledge of events will create a clearer picture for those in the future. Answering questions like these can make your story more complete: What is your mission? How have you fulfilled that mission this year? What are the hopes and dreams for the future of your group, committee or project? How could someone become a part of this ministry?
All groups within the parish are invited to submit an article for the Annual Report. Below is at least a partial list of those who should submit a report, if your effort is not listed here you are still invited to submit an article for theAnnual Report. Articles should reach stmartin@stmartinschurch.org before Monday January 18.
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Treasurer/Finance Committee
Adult Christian Formation
Altar Guild
Bible Study
Book Club
Broadcast Crew
Capital Campaign
Chair Exercises
Chalice Bearers
Eucharistic Visitors
Facilities Committee
Legacy Endowment Fund
Lunch Bunch
Men’s Group
Outreach Committee
Peace Meal
Regathering Committee
Social Justice
Stewardship Committee
Sunday School
United Thank Offering
Please submit your report by January 18, 2020 in order to allow your ministry to shine!