The Commission on Dismantling Racism is having our Annual Absalom Jones Celebration this Saturday at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Creve Coeur at 11am. This is our biggest DRC event of the year and we need your support and presence.
If you have not yet, please register TODAY for the celebration where we will experience the dynamic preaching of Bishop Eugene Sutton of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, workshops to inspire and ignite your racial justice ministry, and an insightful conversation between Bishop Deacon and Bishop Sutton on "Equipping the Beloved Community".
Register at the link below:
Here's what to expect...
10:30-Arrival and Registration
11am-Absalom Jones Celebration Service
12:30pm-Lunch (on us)
1:15pm Plenary-Equipping Beloved Community w Bishop Deon and Bishop Eugene Sutton
2:00pm-Workshops (Including a special workshop for children and youth with Bishop Deon and Bishop Sutton). Here are our workshops for 2024:
How to Start or Restart a Racial Reconciliation Ministry
Reinvigorate Your Racial Justice Ministry by Moving into Action
Diving Deeper into Your Ministry of Racial Reconciliation
Renew Your Racial Reconciliation Ministry with Sacred Ground
2:45pm-Appreciations and Closing
And did we mention...the worship will be beyond wonderful!!!
We hope to see you THIS Saturday for Absalom Jones 2024--REvive , REnew, REstart: Equipping the Beloved Community.
In the love of Christ and the pursuit of justice,
Co-Convener of the Commission for Dismantling Racism