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Advent Lessons & Carols

Sunday, December 18th, 10:30 am Come one, Come all to a beautiful service of music!

We will have our illustrious St. Martin’s Choir and Hand Bell Choir, along with Joy Floyd on oboe & flute; Susan Hampton on cello; and Lily Tournier on harp! Also, our Chapel Choir of children will play their colorful melody hand bells. Come listen to the 7 readings from both the old and new Testaments, and join in singing Carols that illuminate the familiar words. We will sing Of the Father’s Love Begotten; Behold Your God; O Come, O Come, Emmanuel; A Place to Keep Your Son; O Little Town of Bethlehem; All the Music Sung and Played Here; Canticle of the Turning; and People Look East. Your presence will bring special meaning to this Advent season, and joy to all! We look forward to sharing our music with you this Dec. 18th.

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