This is the thirteenth in a series of daily Lenten devotionals put together by Mother Leslie for this season of Lent, 2025. We hope this proves to be uplifting to you through your Lenten journey.
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Day 13: Monday after the 2nd Sunday in Lent
Today’s Theme: Known and Loved By God
Poem: Where Will I Find You
Where, Lord, will I find you:
your place is high and obscured.
And where
won’t I find you:
your glory fills the world.
You dwell deep within—
you’ve fixed the ends of creation.
You stand, a tower for the near,
refuge to those far off.
You’ve lain above the Ark, here,
yet live in the highest heavens.
Exalted among your hosts,
although beyond their hymns—
no heavenly sphere
could ever contain you,
let alone a chamber within.
In being borne above them
on an exalted throne,
you are closer to them
than their breath and skin.
Their mouths bear witness for them,
that you alone gave them form.
Your kingdom’s burden is theirs;
who wouldn’t fear you?
And who could fail
to search for you—
who sends down food when it is due?
I sought your nearness.
With all my heart I called you.
And in my going out to meet you,
I found you coming toward me,
as in the wonders of your might
and holy works I saw you.
Who would say he hasn’t seen
your glory as the heavens’
hordes declare
their awe of you
without a sound being heard?
But could the Lord, in truth,
dwell in men on earth?
How would men you made
from the dust and clay
fathom your presence there,
enthroned upon their praise?
The creatures hovering over
the world praise your wonders—
your throne borne high
above their heads,
as you bear all forever.
----------- Yehuda Halevi (1075-1141), one of the greatest Jewish poets, translated by Peter Cole
“Every time you listen with great attentiveness to the voice that calls you the Beloved, you will discover within yourself a desire to hear that voice longer and more deeply. It is like discovering a well in the desert.”—Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) Dutch-Canadian Catholic priest, theologian, and author
Painting: The Hand of God, Nada Sarkis, Syrian icon, 2018 (written during time of current war)

Prayer: Inspired by Psalms 138-139
O God,you are our safe harbor; our shelter and our keeper:
we lay open our hearts before your throne.
Before I yet breathed
you knew me and had me
within the bowl of your mercy:
in you, O God, do I trust,
for you are ever with me
in rejoicing or in travail—
in trouble or tempest you remain steadfast.
In sundering sea or thundering wave,
you steady me and strengthen me by your grace.
With the eyes of our hearts
may we see your imprint in the world around us,
O Redeemer and Lover of Our Souls,
that we may tell out your goodness in the world
in all we do or say.
Cast the mantle of your presence, Lord Christ,
over all those who call upon you for help,
especially those for whom we pray.
-----------Leslie Barnes Scoopmire