Make an Annual Pledge Today
And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. Luke 9:16-17, NRSV
October 4. 2022, Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Beloved Members of St. Martin’s,
When I consider the many new and continuing ministries going on in our parish, I am so grateful to all of you who support this parish and make it all possible. There are always three main components to our stewardship, and they can go by many names. Throughout the year I have witnessed such generosity as you contribute your funds, your time, and your ideas to our ministry to the communities around us. Whether you call them Contribution, Commitment, and Creativity; Investment, Involvement, and Insight; Pledge, Participation, and Perception, or Wealth, Works, and Wisdom, it’s all one and the same. Every dollar that we raise, every minute of volunteerism, every good plan comes from the heart, from our personal relationship with God as a sign of faithfulness, and goes toward our mission.
Our pledge campaign this year focuses on the miracle of sharing, the ways in which our means meet the needs of the world, the ways in which we respond to the Gospel, the ways in which we sustain our community. Our theology of giving focuses on the three-legged stool of Wealth, Works, and Wisdom, the ways in which we make our gifts to the world. To begin, I would like to focus on Wisdom.
Our ancient texts treat Wisdom in a personified manner, in some of our traditions, woven through the Trinity. Wisdom is a source of inspiration, creativity, and guidance that has been a part of the world as it sought order. Wisdom gives us ways to bring about harmony, plan for change, prepare for renewal, appreciate what we have. She (the pronoun often ascribed to Wisdom) is in all of us, urging us forward to make connections with our traditions and culture and experience.
More Than Enough, the theme for our campaign, brings us back to that miracle of abundance described in Luke’s Gospel, having just been fed by Jesus from a scant few loaves and fishes. The people in that story heard Jesus’ call to share what they had in order that all might benefit; and that is what you do with the gift of Wisdom you possess. When we have strategies that need to be developed, or committees that need to be staffed, or problems that need to be solved, you answer the call of your church, and share your wisdom and experience.
Wisdom seeks understanding and builds community. You are that inspiration and action, without whom our church and our ministry would be diminished. In a few weeks, you will receive an invitation to name and pledge the gifts you will make in the coming year to help our church and our neighbors. I ask that you pray with us as we launch our annual gathering of gifts and gratitude, and consider how you will contribute your gift of wisdom.
In Abundant Gratitude,
Pledge Calculator
Determining your pledge amount is a personal decision influenced by various factors, including your income, the number of dependents like children you have, liabilities, and other financial obligations. To assist you, we have set up a pledge calculator that you may use below. This tool allows you to input your income and select a percentage that you feel called to contribute. It’s important to note that this calculator is a guide to help you in your decision-making process.
15% | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
12% | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
10% | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
8% | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
6% | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
4% | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
2% | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Tithe Percentage | Weekly Giving | Monthly Giving | Semi-Annual Giving | Annual Giving [Total] |
Pledging Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a pledge? A pledge is a commitment to make a financial gift that supports the mission and ministries of St. Martin's Episcopal Church. It's a way for you to contribute to our church's work and express your gratitude for God's blessings.
2. Why should I pledge? Pledging helps the church plan its budget and programs for the coming year. It reflects your commitment to the church community and its role in your spiritual life. Your pledge supports worship services, outreach efforts, pastoral care, and the maintenance of our church facilities.
3. How is pledging different from regular offerings? Regular offerings are important and appreciated, but they are less predictable than pledges. Pledges provide a reliable foundation for budgeting and planning our ministries and outreach programs. They help us make long-term decisions with greater confidence.
4. How much should I pledge? We encourage you to consider your personal financial situation and the role of the church in your life. Many find guidance in the biblical practice of tithing, which is contributing 10% of one's income. However, any amount you can commit is valuable and appreciated.
5. Can I change my pledge? Yes, we understand that financial situations can change. If you need to increase, decrease, or cancel your pledge at any time, please contact the church office.
6. How do I make my pledge? You can make your pledge by filling out a pledge card available at the church or by using the form above. You can then submit it via mail, in person, or electronically through our online giving portal.
7. When should I make my pledge? We welcome pledges at any time, but we especially encourage them during our annual stewardship campaign. This typically takes place in the fall and helps us plan for the upcoming year.
8. How can I fulfill my pledge? You can fulfill your pledge through various methods, such as cash, checks, online giving, or stock donations. Please contact the church office for more information on these options.
9. Is my pledge confidential? Yes, pledges are kept confidential. Only a few designated church staff members have access to pledge information for administrative purposes.
10. Who can I talk to if I have more questions? Please feel free to reach out to our stewardship committee or church office staff. We are happy to answer any questions and provide further information.