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In Memoriam: Russell Paul Sternberg, Sr.
Beloved Members of St. Martin's,  Our beloved and long-time parishioner Russ Sternberg died late Sunday evening after a long battle with...
A Poem, A Proverb, A Painting, A Prayer: A Lenten Journey-- Day 12: 2nd Sunday in Lent
The twelfth in a series of daily Lenten devotionals. Today's theme is The Commonwealth of God.

A Poem, A Proverb, A Painting, A Prayer: A Lenten Journey--Day 13: Monday after the 2nd Sunday in Lent
The thirteenth Lenten daily devotional in a series. Today's theme is Known and Loved by God.

A Poem, A Proverb, A Painting, A Prayer: A Lenten Journey-- Day 11: Saturday after the 1st Sunday in Lent
The eleventh in a series of Lenten devotionals, Today's theme is Security in the Storm.

Breakfast With The Bunny
You are cordially invited to a pancake breakfast, Easter Egg hunt, crafts, and a visit from the Easter Bunny. This is open to all ages....

A Poem, A Proverb, A Painting, A Prayer: A Lenten Journey-- Day 10: Friday after the 1st Sunday in Lent
The tenth in a series of daily Lenten devotionals. Today's theme is welcome of the stranger, Deuteronomy 10:19.

Please join us for Worship at 10:30 am this Sunday, March 23rd
Study of a Fig Tree, John Singer Sargent, 1908 Live by faith, grow in grace, and walk in love with St. Martin's this coming Sunday as we...

Please join us for Worship at 10:30 am this Sunday, March 16th
Live by faith, grow in grace, and walk in love with St. Martin's this coming Sunday as we come together, in person as well as online, for...
Please join us for Worship at 10:30 am this Sunday, March 9th, for the First Sunday of Lent
Episcopal Relief and Development partners distributing aid at the site of a natural disaster Live by faith, grow in grace, and walk in...

Please join us for Worship at 10:30 am this Sunday, March 2nd
Transfiguration, Lewis Bowman Live by faith, grow in grace, and walk in love with St. Martin's this coming Sunday as we come together, in...

Please join us for Worship at 10:30 am this Sunday, February 23rd
Live by faith, grow in grace, and walk in love with St. Martin's this coming Sunday as we come together, in person as well as online, for...

Please join us for Worship at 10:30 am this Sunday, February 16th (Scout Sunday)
Blessings and Woes, Hermano Leon Live by faith, grow in grace, and walk in love with St. Martin's this coming Sunday as we come together,...

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