thank God you're here!
Our vision for St. Martin’s is to be used by God to change lives, strengthen churches, and transform the world.
We offer two in person worship opportunities at our church.
Each week, we hold a casual, modern, intimate Holy Eucharist on Saturday afternoons called "The 505," at 5:05 pm. Each Sunday at 10:30 am, we gather for our principal worship service, with choir and children's chapel during the program year. This service is also live-streamed on YouTube, Facebook, and our website.
Join us online or in person to worship with our community, and if you are watching us on Facebook, be sure to comment and say hi!
We livestream our 10:30 AM service every Sunday on YouTube, Facebook, and our website. Join us online or in-person to worship with our community.
There are two access points to Clayton Road from our parking lot.
You should enter the parking lot from the western access and depart on the eastern side (these are clearly marked as Entrance and Exit). There are reserved handicap spots up close as well as additional spaces for expecting and new moms.
All other parking spaces are a short and simple walk to the front entrance.

We treasure children and the joyful wonder they bring into our spiritual lives.
We invite you to sit where you like with your kids, or to use our "Soft Space" in the front right area of our sanctuary for young ones and their families.
Children are also invited to hear a special "Children's message" at the start of our 10:30 Eucharist.
During the program year, we also offer Children's Chapel during the 10:30 Eucharist, see below
Additionally, St. Martin's provides a Children's Library that offers both children and adults with quality literature promoting diversity and inclusion. The library includes over 200 titles representing all races and abilities, reminding us that we are all made in God’s image. The library is located in our Soothing Space in the narthex (main entry room) on a rolling cart, which was purchased with grant money from the Legacy Endowment Fund. We encourage everyone to explore the Children's Library and discover new perspectives through literature.
Learning is a lifelong pursuit, and deepening our relationship with God through prayer and study is one of the joys of our lives of pursuit of faith.
For our children 3-11, we have a Children's Chapel program during the first half of our 10:30 Eucharist during the school year, taught by trained volunteers in our undercroft. Our program includes Bible stories, crafts, a music lesson, and snacks. Children who wish to attend process out after the children's message and return at the passing of the peace, midway through our worship.
We offer an Adult Forum in Park Hall or the library for ages 12 and up before the 10:30 worship at 9:00 am, which covers a variety of topics, including praying with scripture, the application of faith in the world, anglican worship, literature, and tradition, and a book group. See the Tab under Learn on this website for full details. Adult Forum is not held on Brunch Sundays.
It is said that coffee is the 8th sacrament-- and we invite you to join us for coffee and conversation after the 10:30 am service. We also offer hot water for tea.
Once a month, on the 3rd Sunday, we invite everyone to a free brunch in Park Hall, prepared by our very own caterer, Julia Krelo. Come enjoy some great food and fellowship!

what to expect

When you first step into St. Martin’s, you will find a warm welcoming community ready to walk alongside you in your faith journey, wherever you find yourself. Our greeters will meet you shortly after you walk through the front doors and help you navigate your way and answer any questions you may have. As you enter the worship service, an usher will give you a worship bulletin. We use these bulletins to follow along in the service.
All of our services are based on the Book of Common Prayer and other approved liturgical materials. Episcopal worship is considered "liturgical". Some of our services include times of standing, kneeling, sitting and singing as you are comfortably able. Our worship bulletin is a simple guide to help you follow along. Each service includes prayer, Bible readings, sermons and communion. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance from your neighbors in the pew or the ushers.
We offer different styles of worship depending on which specific service you attend. Saturday afternoon's 505 pm service is an informal, mellow intimate service in our beautiful chapel that uses liturgical prayers from many sources from Celtic to Indigenous, and invites participation and contemplation. Our principal 10:30 am service includes music, usually from the St. Martin’s choir, occasionally the Handbell Choir, Youth Ensemble and/or guest musicians also participate. A "Children's Chapel" program is available during the first half of the 10:30 service, as described above.
In the front-right area of the sanctuary is a “soft space” designed for children and their families to experience worship together, or children can sit with you anywhere you are comfortable. Older children, ages 3-11 may meet teachers with a children’s cross, waiting to guide them to a Children’s Worship and Sunday School time based on educational programming from Virginia Theological Seminary. They will depart the sanctuary as a group and return to their families before the Holy Eucharist after the Children's Message.