Outreach at St. Martin's

do justice
love mercy
walk humbly

Circle of Concern
Food collections are held on the second Sunday of each month. Donations are also accepted at any time and may be placed in the baskets on the floor of the coatroom. In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, there is a special holiday food drive. All food donations are picked up monthly by Circle of Concern, which is the local West County food pantry.
St. Martin’s supports the annual Circle of Concern school supply drive in mid-summer, and each winter there is a kick-off to fund the St. Martin’s scholarship to benefit an area student who may not otherwise be able to attend college.

United Thank Offering
UTO is the Episcopal Thank Offering given by parishioners around the world for good things that happen every day. As you give thanks for the small and big things in your day, you put some coins or dollars in a UTO Blue Box (found on a table in Park Hall) or set aside a reminder for later in the day. You are never too old to count your blessings and share your thankful spirit.

Food Garden
In the Fall of 2015, a group of parishioners had a dream of creating a beautiful garden to provide nourishment to bodies and souls. In the Spring of 2016, this dream became a reality as the first seeds were sown. The summer and fall harvests since then have provided the Circle of Concern food pantry with hundreds of pounds of produce, numerous flowers, and undetermined amounts of satisfaction on the part of all our gardeners.

Other Opportunities
There are several other projects that St. Martin’s supports throughout the year as needed. The Red Cross Blood Drive, Neighborhood Recycling, the Cathedral Breakfast Program to name a few. You may contact Dana Griggs for more information on how to participate.

Laundry Love
Did you know that it costs almost $10.00 a load to do laundry in a commercial laundromat? Multiply that by several loads, and add in the cost of detergent, and clean laundry can fall right out of the budget of many working people.
On the second Tuesday of each month, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, members from St. Martin's and people in the community meet at Winchester Cleaners on Manchester Road for a program called Laundry Love. Laundry Love is a nation-wide movement to help those who might otherwise be unable to get their laundry done. We provide the quarters, the soap, and so on, and we get to meet neighbors in the community and build relationships that we treasure. Our program primarily serves people in the West County area, where programs like ours are scarce.

Blessing Box and Life Box
In the summer of 2022, one of our members who is a scout built our Blessing Box for their culminating project. It was then placed at the front western corner of the parish building near the beginning of our exit ramp to Clayton Road. A Blessing Box is also known as a "Little Free Pantry," and we fill it with shelf stable food items, personal care items, water, snacks, school supplies, socks, gloves, and other necessities depending upon the season. It is there for passersby to take what they need, and is registered on the national Little Free Pantry website.
In 2023, a gentleman in the area offered to construct and donate a Life Box, and it is mounted next to the Blessing Box. In the Life Box are doses of Narcan, a life-saving medication that can help prevent overdoses, as well as test strips for the presence of fentanyl in any medication or drug. If someone suspected of an overdose is provided quickly with Narcan, it can save their life; if they are not overdosing, Narcan does no harm. With this Life Box, we hope to help prevent overdoses or fentanyl poisoning. The narcan doses and the test strips are generously donated by both UMSL and The T, a holistic harm reduction program in St. Louis. Our members make sure both of these boxes are stocked and available to the community.