Join us for a Soup Supper and Maundy Thursday Service on April 6
Easter Fun at St. Martin's: Baby Chicks, Breakfast, and the Easter Bunny!
Seeking Eucharistic Visitors
Gauging a Rebuilt 8:00 AM Service
Journey Through Lent 2023 with St. Martin's Episcopal Church
Lenten Book Study Begins This Sunday
Bishop’s Visitation on March 5 at 10:30 am
Ash Wednesday at St. Martin's: Entering a Holy Lent, February 22, 2023
Adult Forum-Narcan Presentation
Adult Forum: Celebrating Black History Month
Absalom Jones Celebration 2023
Adult Forum: Hospice Care
Vestry Candidate: Greg Andersen
Vestry Candidate: John Limbaugh
Vestry Candidate: Kim Montgomery
Adult Forum-Sanctifying Life,Time, and Space
Ongoing Annual Giving Campaign 2023
Where Your Treasure Is: Celebrating 25 Years -The Liturgical Composers Concert
“Everybody’s Story Children’s Library” is for Everyone