For more information about opportunities for adults, please contact our parish office: 636-227-1484

St. Martin’s offers several opportunities to study the Bible in a small-group format. All groups welcome new participants at any time. Some groups meet during the school year and break in the summer. Other groups meet for short durations to cover a specific topic. Check the Calendar page of the website, https://stmartinschurch.org/events/, and weekly announcements to learn more about specific Bible Studies. Currently, the following groups meet regularly:
Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. – Adult Bible Study
Thursdays at 10 a.m. – The Joyous Word, a Bible Study for All
Saturdays (2nd & 4th) at 7:30 a.m. – Men’s Bible Study

The Adult Forum is Christian Education / Formation presented on Sunday mornings in Park Hall, primarily at the 9:00 hour between Sunday Worship Services. The Adult Forum features a variety of formats and topics, including Bible-based exploration, current social/cultural issues, spiritual life, the Episcopal Church, and inter-generational events. Speakers include clergy, parishioners, and guest speakers. To find the current schedule see the parish calendar at stmartinschurch.org or follow the weekly e-mail The Beacon and announcements for details. See Mother Leslie to suggest or help develop a program or to learn more about how to participate.

Newcomers, curious members and anyone who would like to learn more about the Episcopal Church are invited to be a part of our Adult Inquirers’ / Confirmation class. This class is scheduled as needed. Please contact The Rev. Leslie Scoopmire if you are interested in joining a class.

The Men’s Group supports St. Martin’s Church and the community. We meet the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 for breakfast. Sometimes there is a speaker; sometimes it’s just breakfast and fellowship. We host parish-wide dinners, golf outings and provide a birthday party one month of the year for the children in detention through Episcopal City Mission.

Enjoy friendships with fellow retirees and visit some of the great places the St. Louis area has to offer. This group meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 11:30 in Park Hall to plan their next “field trip.”

Every Thursday morning, 10:00 – 11:00 am, a dedicated group meet to participate in specially designed exercises intended to maintain muscle tone and endurance all while sitting in a chair. Participants follow the video instructions and can modify as needed to ensure each individual is challenged appropriately.
The class is open to all ages, anyone in the community looking for an opportunity to keep moving.
There is no cost for this program, simply arrive in Park Hall at 10:00 am on Thursdays. See you there!

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